B.A.S.T.A.R.D x Rampage Japan Show #1

OK, dis Friday ( 7pm @ Rampage Studios ) sees the Japanese debut of our little, homemade resin homage to bootleg toys, B.A.S.T.A.R.D hit Rampage Studios in Tokyo !! psyched is just tha beginning >> everything has been packed up & shipped out ! we never thought in our wildest dreams dat our goof-off  mini figure project would reach the shores of Japan. the home / dons of the mini figs, so as you'd expect we're kinda bobbin' it re. how our stuff goes down but if the last drop is anything to go by #SELLOUT except a flurry of posts as we build-up to the show & massssivE thx once again to Jon Rampage for makin' toy dreams come true...


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