we're gutted not to be out in sunny San Dimus this year for Comic Con >> i didn't fink we'd miss the hype & vibes but, truss, we are ! not gettin' to hang with the GFS Toy Fam + extended friends is probably the biggest bummer of 'em all but hey, if you are out there or goin' in over the next few days, Luc & i wish ya BIG fun... and yeah, don't forget the roll-on !! so apart from missin' out on all the booze & food related shenanigan, we're also missin' out on some siiiiiiiick toys & tees... ere's my top SDCC needs :

#1 Hobart ( Scrappers x Gargamel )

#2 Milton ' Sherbet ' edition ( Super7 )

#3 F.U. ROBO ( Lucky Nakazawa x Gargamel )

#4 Ghost Cave tee ( Ghost Cave )

#5 Unknown ( L'Amour Supreme x David Healy x Mishka )

#6 Leechface ( MonstreHero x RealxHead )

#7 MockBat ( Paul Kaiju )

#8 Deadbeet ( Scott Tolleson )

#9 Golden Lurker ( Skinner )

#10 RAD tee ( Alex Pardee x ZeroFriends )