Finally got around to checking the exhibition of sometime Bo Peep impersonator and all round English eccentric genius, Grayson Perry at the British Museum. Utterly amazing and genuinely funny show including (unsurprisingly) ceramics but also fantastic sculptures, tapestries and illustrations. Perry has picked out some of his favourite bits and bobs from the museum's vaults and you can easily see the inspiration in his work. In fact, it's sometimes hard to tell a Perry from an ancient artefact.

Overheard conversational highlights from elderly women checking the show included "Ooh, you just wish he was here don't you so you could ask, why did you do that?" And "Well, there'll be lots of people copying him now won't there" as well as my personal favourite "Look, here's Alan, look!" (Alan Measles is Grayson Perry's teddy bear who features again and again in his personal mythology.)

You need to see this show and if you don't, I'll think slightly less of you. Unless you have a really good excuse. It was so good, I bought the book.

Tomb of the Unknwn Craftsman is now on at The British Museum until 19th February.