i'm gonna make a lot of peeps jealous now >> i've already got an Antimatter Black RealxNibber sittin' proudly on my work desk... believe me the
hype hype hype is justified : it's a proper
'vinyl meatball' ( as
Matt Onell calls it ) & i'm sure when it goes on sale ( this Fri over @ The Tarantulas online shop aka
Fishtank Castle ) it'll fly within mins !

RealxNibber is a 3-way colab between Chris (
The Tarantulas ), Mori (
RealxHead ) & Matt (
Onell Design ) with a helpin' hand from the Don, DataDub (
Fig-Lab ). it's fresh, original and a funkin' bargin at £25 plus P&P !

it's amazn' what can be born in a sweaty corner of a SDCC stand >> roll on this years Con !