We had a great time on Friday down at the Kidrobot shop in London. Doodling and nattering for all of the folks who turned up to check out
Lunartik's (aka Mr Matt Jones) amazing custom line-up from the Tea Tour. Thanks to all of our friends both new and old for showing up and making it another funsome event.
You can bid on the customs up for grabs on
Ebay until Friday of this week so if you fancy (tea) bagging an original one-off from a great line-up of artists including amongst others Doktor A, Cris Rose, Pete Fowler, Okkle, Sneaky Raccoon, Ian Stevenson, Tado, Matt JOnes, Ayako Takagi, Jon Burgerman and little ol' us plus a raft of other talented peeps go ahead and get bidding. A percentage of proceeds from the auctions go to childrens' charity the NSPCC.

We have completely rebuilt our 'Clop-Up Pirate' as he suffered numerous de-swordings during the International Tea Tour and looked a little battle-damaged. The swords are now safely pinned in place and the whole piece is sporting a fresh new cup so no excuses for not bidding high!
flikr link for pics of the customs in situ.....