slack Clops !
OK, so we haven't exactly been hot-2-trot on the old blog Clops lately... apologies peeps, the day job has kept us away from fun & frollics in Clops land ! anywhooo we're back ( the consultancy has officially closed for Xmas now ) so expect a handful of rapid-fire posts before we down tools & head home to our respective motherlands. firstly, a quick heads up re. 2 upcomin' customs we're crankin for early 2010... a massive ( 18inch !!! ) Knuckle Bear for the grand openin' of Iksentrik's nu toy shop in Bath
*not sure why i'm flickin the birdies ( soz mum ), as i said it's been a looong couple of weeks in the studio so !? the second toy to get a ' touch of the Clops ' will be mr. Strange's Droplet Series 2 for a special launch show / party happenin' early Feb - more news on that soon.
