it's taken some time but, if you care to check eBay ( search under Ye Olde English Dunny, UK Dunnys or Triclops ) you'll see we've finally found time to post up ( & hopefully sell ! ) our 2 UK Dunnys from the latest Kidrobot series Ye Olde English... there's a few options out there : either buy Rainy London or T*A*S*H seperately or as a Xclusive Triclops Twin pack - which includes both designs signed by Luc & i. there's also a full set for sale, including all 17 Dunnys ( that's all the rare ratio one's plus, the uber rare red Mimic design ! ) if you fancy splashing the cash & grabbing the whole series direct from the bowels of Clops HQ in one monster swoop ! we've only dropped a total of 5 Rainy London's, 5 T*A*S*H's and 5 Triclops Twin Packs, so look sharp - however don't panic cause we'll probably add some more as time on these auctions ticks away... we might even build an eBay ' Clop Shop ' if we get our arses in gear ! happy bidding peeps, thanks for the interest ( if you are interested ) plus, a massivE shout out to all the kind folk how have contacted us droppin' big up's re. our 2 designs :) keep it ghoulish, Rob 'n Luc Clops
* http://hub.shop.ebay.co.uk/