Halloween : Part 2

happy Halloween folkz . . . OK, last post i covered my top 3 horror films which don't get enough propz so now it's the turn of my all time top 3 horror films : in @ No3) Child's Play starrin' psycho-toy Chucky, No2) Nightmare on Elm Street ( i watched this a stooopidly young age & it still spooks the sh#t outta me 2day ! ) and skull smashin' in @ No1) Halloween ! the best slasher flick, soooo gutted mr Zombie has decided to re:do / trash it :(

OK, the 2nd installment to this post is our submission for the Design a Halloween Tamo Competition, set by Crazy Label & Custom Toy Lab. the deadline is 2day, so i reckon it's kool to post dis . . . as ya can see it's inspired by my No3 all time favourite horror film ! we'll keep u posted with the results of the comp - which should b out within the nxt 7 days.


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