it's been donkeys since our last 2"
B.A.S.T.AR.D's update >> so 'ere we go... we're plannin' on crankin' a re:run of the original 10 figs plus, a few nu designs to boot - includin' the
PeeNut Hunter and
Pail Ting :

both are WIP @ the mo but, we'll do our best to keep ya posted as resin based activities start to ramp-up ! also a little reminder that our 1st
MEGA B.A.S.T.A.R.D's fig,
PeeNut is still available to buy over in the
Unbox web-shop... plus we're chuffed to announce that he'll soon be wingin' his way across the globe & into certain toy stores : more on that nearer the time. so yeah, don't sleep on the PeeNut cause there's only 200 pieces total !!