Home Sweet Home
OK, so i've been back a few days now & it's about time i got off my lazy, jet-lagged ass & dropped a few words + thank-yous from Luc & i re. our recent SDCC trip... and what a trip : i fink i've said it a few times now, but it was the best. Con. ever ! it's always hard balancin' toy business with toy pleasure (especially with so many meetings re. the Consultancy), but somehow we did it !
firstly, the best thing about the Con is just hangin' with mates >> it's all about the laughs, the silly Con catchphrases (CHOOCH, BRanston, American Cheese !?), the partying... the hangovers !!! secondly, it's about meeting / makin' nu friends >> & with our involvement in the amazin' Onell x GFS Crossover project we did exactly that. booth #4937 was in my opinion the most forward thinkin' stand in the whole Con & we were chuffed + honored to be a small part of it. brought together by Masterminds Matt Doughty (Onell Designs) & Datadub (Fig-Lab) the whole stand just kept on switchin' up every day with different artists & tasty toys... it's the future >> the collabs, the buzz around the booth, the family unit vibe... all of it was simply mind blowin' & very inspirational.
So massivE thanks to Matt & Don >> you guys are a true inspiration >> to all our nu friends we met via the booth... Mori, Ayako, Takeuchi, Jesse Moore, Matt Walker, Cliff & Sean Monstrehero, Jesse Destasio, Megan & Marc, Spymonkey & finally Paul Kaiju who kindly graced our BRainos & Clopos figures with his trademark spray : thanks for all the love.

massivE props also goin' out to the super talent trio of Lamour Supreme, the Sucklord & the Tarantulas who all ' smashed ' the Con with various toys releases & signings >> great to see & hang with you guys...
to all my old US Hasbro krew >> wicked to see & booze with ya ! big peace also goin' out to A Little Strange, October Toys, Kirkland of Toybot Studios, John SpankyStokes, DrilOne, the lovely Kidrobot girls, Mr Paul Budnitz & i'm sure there's a ton of peeps i'm forgetting... soz, blame the jet-lag !
and finally a hugE thx to everyone who stopped by the booth on the Sunday when we were there >> we still can't believe we sold out in like 30mins - i fink Paul's handy work might have someting to do with that ;) anyhow we're humbled >> thanks for the support, it means a lot to us. outta the Con there's a ton of nu & exciting tings on the horizon, so we'll keep ya posted as / if tings start to bubble !
*i piked most of these snaps from Matt's blog, Toybot Studios, Vinyl Pulse & ToysRevil who have all been doing an amazin' job with loads of tasty GFS coverage >> go check 'em all out & support !

<< american cheese !? >>