Kidrobot LDNow officially open !

last nite saw the ' official ' openin' of Kidrobot LDN... gud times were had : however that might have been different if we'd had to que ! insanely hugE ques all nite long, so respeckt to the toy / TADO hardcore. nice ickle space - furnished to the nines with all sorts of K'Bot goodies. in the blur which was gettin' down there on time, we forgot the Clops camera so in a smash 'n grab effort we've piked 1 snap from Geoff Clutter ( via the Clutter blog ) & 1 from Arttansmitte ( via Twitter ), hope ya don't mind guys + big thx ! anywhooo great to see old & nu faces, too many 2 mention but special shout outs 2 Nicole aka The Toy Baroness ( for last nite & our studio visit today... top laugh & great to catch-up ), SourBones for the rather tasty tee ( see below - Email him if ya want one : ) and TADO who's fingerz must have been throbbin' today !

go support the shop & all artists involved... plus, you can check out our MUNNYWORLD Bog Monster custom which is now back on these shores & in the LDN store :


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