Clops Tea Party !
the Clops remix of Matt ' Lunartik ' JOnes' Cup of Tea is nearly done... ere's a ickle clue to what we're doing with our piece & fingers crossed a sneak mon / tues of next week :
our custom will join Matt's touring tea party ( featuring other cup customs from the talented fingers of Kenn Munk, Tado, Pete Fowler, mr Scruff, Jon Burgerman, Dok A, Phil Corbett, ILOVEDUST & many more ), which kicks off @ LDN's Forbidden Planet on Fri 28th Aug ( on display till the 7th Sept ) and then jets off to Holland & Austria before returning to the UK + bonnie Scotland ! for Xclusive sneaky snapz ( of the cups already done ) head on over to Matt's FlickR site & check the flyer attached for more info :
