SDCC '09

for the 2nd year runnin ( due to work loads + deadlines ) Luc & i failed to get our backsides across the pond to SDCC... gutted but hey, that's the way the Maryland cookie crumbles ! however we do have a few Cloppy toy tings & customs reppin us @ the show, see if ya can spot 'em... ere's one unfortunately our nu Onell Glyos figs / heads weren't done in time :( we'll sort someting cheeky out with Matt on his return from the Con & drop some Xclusive sh#t soon ! big shout out to all our mates out there @ the mo, lappin it up... Xtra props go out 2 gud bud Nick Mannion, who featured on Vinyl Pulse dis mornin with his brand nu MOD:0 + MOD:2


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