last week saw the release of the Topps ' STAR WARS GALAXY 4 ' Trading Card series... hidden randomly within some of the packs are uber rare
Artist Sketch Cards in the shape of Darth Vader & Storm Trooper helmets. on one side of these cards are the image of the infamous Sith Lord and armored Trooper-clones but flip it over to reveal a one-off hand-rendered / stenciled / sprayed / doodled / sketched ( you name it ) Star Wars inspired piece of tiny art ! the artist roll-call is bad-ass... MAD, Sket-One, Onell Design, JK5, Mad Barbarians, GARGAMEL, Michael Leavitt, MCA, Suckadelic, Mishka, ToyRevil, Jason Atomic and many many more including us ! ere's a snap shot of some of the designs we submitted :

in total we managed to crank 200 cards... fairly ball-bustin' work but, good fun !
keep an eye out for an Xclusive ToysRevil ' STAR WARS GALAXY 4 ' report comin' soon - where all the artists involved will reveal all their why's & what's about their designs... in the meantime check out mr Evil's mini lowdown :