Top of tha Clops... with a twist !

01 / 25yrs of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : keep ‘em peeled at NYCC & SDCC as there’s loads of rad stuff happening, plus as a xtra bonus Playmates are re:releasing the first 10 TMNT figures ! 02 / Sherlock Holmes 03 / Watchmen ( who ain’t excited !? ) 04 / fresh music from the likes of Rustie, Rusko & Dave Taylor ( aka Switch ), Jesse Rose, Zomby, Afrikan Boy, Esser, Drums of Death, Teriyaki Boys, Hudson MoHawke, MumDance, The xx, Boy 8bit, Asher Roth, Rye Rye, Friendly Fires, Aeroplane & AppleBlim 05 / Lesbian Vampire Killers ( starring Matthew Horne & James Corden from the BBC's Gavin & Stacy ) 06 / Creature Skateboards 07 / The rise of Horror-Core & Halloween House !? you might snigger but, be afraid : very afraid ! 08 / decent toys of the Gentleman Ghost, Clock King & Plasticman ( all from Batman : The Brave & The Bold, the best kids cartoon around at the mo ), plus Meatwad ( Alpha Teen Hunger Force ) 09 / appearances from the Blob & Deadpool in the forecoming X-Men Origins : Wolverine movie 10 / Stallone, Lundgren, Statham & Jet Li teaming up to make Stallone’s ‘ The Expendables ’ 11 / Tokyo Tribes 3 12 / Raimi getting his own way & putting Morbius ‘ The Living Vampire ’ in the star villians role of Spidey 4 13 / more ‘ Kick Drum Comix ‘ by Jim Mahfood 14 / Spike Jones doing ‘ Where the Wild Things Are ’ 15 / Kick Ass the movie... fingers crossed it‘s better than Wanted ! 16 / Mishka’s NYC store opening 17 / UK duo Simon Pegg & Nick Frost’s ‘ Paul ’ - a film about 2 comic geeks how help out an alien !? 18 / Tarantino‘s ‘ Inglourious Basterds ' 19 / the return of Minder ! coming to Ch5 soon... 20 / Triclops collabs... there’s gonna be many in ‘09 !