just got back from a lush stateside visit... loads of crazy stories to tell ( supported by silly snapz ) but, at dis moment in time i'm too jet-lagged to post anything which requires brain power ! massivE shout out to all the peepz i hooked up with : especially steve, aaron, john, wayne ( not tha duke ! ), vickie, ickle rob, dan, StKhouse, the super sucklord, diamond geezer lamour supreme, lev @ toy tokyo and last but no way least, kool kats matt + megan from onell. every single one of you made my trip so special - i'm a lucky dude, your hospitality blew me away : thank you. finally an xtra ' dammm girl ' must be shouted out from the highest NY-esq sky scraper to best bud fuzzball for putting me up & putting up with me, hehe ! awesome trip mang, gr8 memories & i can't wait to have ya back in the hood. anyway, in the mean time ere's a few silly snapz...
me & lamour...
monster mash graff...
doors to the suck factory...

zoltar fortune telling machine ( working ! ) seen in newbury comics boston... for more head on over to the fuzzball's flickR site