nick mannion aka SuperModifiedStudios : creator of the lush MOD:1 robot series ( dropped into Clops HQ yesterday to chin-wag the day away. there are collab tings cookin' but for the time being mum's the word . . . as well as chopsing, drinking tea & onion rings, he kindly gave us this one of these ickle fella's :
not sure of it's name but, it was designed & sculpted by a gud friend of Nick's called Nate aka Squid Kids Ink : . . . inspired by vinyl toys 'Skully tha Squid' ( as we've nick-named him ) is our's to cut, shut, glue, paint, & customise ! we've got a hugE pile of customs to crank through dis month (Droplet, KiToy, Geisha & a few we can't mention yet) but we'll do our best to keep yer updated with this & all the others as we go . . . stay tuned ! PS shout out to Nick for a tip-top day & Nate for kindly giving us one of his Squids :)
